Cookies Policy

We use cookies on this website. In the event of using our website without disabling cookies, provide your consent to install them.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a file that websites transfer to the equipment connected to them. While the purpose of cookies is often merely technical, they also enable us to store and recover information on a user´s or a piece of equipment´s browsing habits, and, depending on the information they contain and the manner in which the equipment is used, they can be used to recognise the user. Some cookies are controlled and managed by the owner of the website (known as “own cookies”), while others are managed by third parties (known as “third-party cookies”), for example, because they provide a tool or function associated with the website. Certain cookies are cancelled once the browsing session on the website has ended (session cookies), while others may continue to be stored on the users´ equipment and accessed for a longer period of time (persistent cookies).

What types of cookie do we use and for what purpose?
We use the following types of cookie on this website:

1. Technical cookies or cookies that are essential to the provision of the services
We use technical cookies to enable us to provide the services requested by our users. These cookies are essential to the browsing process and the use of the different options and services available on the website, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, registering the information provided by the user in each phase of the registration or purchasing process, using security measures during the browsing process, storing content for the disclosure of video or audio and sharing content on the social networks.

2. Personalisation cookies
With the aim of optimising the user´s experience on our website, we use personalisation cookies that enable us to configure the website and its services in accordance with users´ preferences or the general characteristics of their equipment, for example, the browser and version used, the operational system installed, etc. These cookies are used, for example, to register the parameters chosen by users on their visits, to adapt the content of the website in accordance with the language or location and to maintain the accredited status of the users registered.

3. Analysis cookies
Analysis cookies enable us to measure and analyse website activity and to prepare users´ browser profiles. We use GOOGLE ANALYTICS and HOTJAR cookies to gather anonymous and joint statistics that enable us to understand the manner in which users use our website, with the aim of improving it and adapting it to our visitors´ preferences. GOOGLE ANALYTICS is a tool provided by the company Google, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. You will find more information on the GOOGLE ANALYTICS operation and the cookies used by this service on the following links: - - You can disable GOOGLE ANALYTICS cookies by installing the opt-out ad-on created by Google on your browser, and which is available on the following link: HOTJAR is a tool provided by the company Hotjar Ltd, based at Level 2, St Julians Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julians STJ 1000, Malta, Tel. +1 (855) 464-6788. You will find more information on the CRAZYEGG operation and the cookies used by this service on the following link: (in English). You can disable HOTJAR cookies by following the instructions provided by Hotjar Ltd on the following link: The following types of data associated with your browsing may be subjected to analysis: - The name of the provider domain (PSI) and/or IP address used to access the network. For example, a user from the provider xxxxx is will be identified with the domain and/or the IP address. This will enable us to prepare statistics on the countries and servers that most visit our website. - The date and time at which our website is accessed. This enables us to ascertain the busiest times and to make the due adjustments to prevent problems in relation to overcrowding at our peak times. - The Internet address from which the link to our website was accessed. This data enables us to discover the efficacy of the different banners and links indicating out server, with the aim of promoting those that provide the best results. - The number of daily visitors to each section. This enables us to ascertain the most successful areas and to improve or expand the content of the same, with the aim of providing users with a more satisfactory result.

Are cookies anonymous?
Cookies do not contain any information that would identify a specific user by itself. As far as we are concerned, the information obtained may only be associated with a specific user in the event that user is identified on the website. In this case, such data will be processed in accordance with the website´s privacy policy, complying with the requirements of the standards in force in relation to the protection of data of a personal nature at all times. Users may exercise their right to access, amend and delete their data at any time, in addition to any other rights, as explained in the aforementioned privacy policy.

How do I manage cookies?
Users of the website have the option not to receive cookies, to delete them or to be notified of the fixation of the same through the browser settings. In order to find out how to manage cookies on your browser, we suggest you consult the help option on the browser itself. To help you, the following information has been provided by the main developers of the main browsers on the management of cookies:  Chrome,  Explorer,  Firefox,  Safari, In the event of disabling cookies, all the functions of the website may not be available. To disable the use of third-party advertising cookies, users may also visit the NAI (Network Advertising Initiative) opt-out site. Site in English:

Conditions of Reservation


Through our online reservation service, you are hiring a reservation of a touristic room, submitted to the following conditions.

The following General Conditions stablish, among with the rest of terms and conditions, the legal framework that regulates the hiring and reservation of a room through the website This webpage belongs to Enigma Hotelera de Gestión SL, NIF/CIF: B-16553125, Address: Gremi Pagesos, 4 (07009) - Palma de Mallorca - Baleares, Phone number: +34 971 89 01 19. Fax: . E-mail: Registered in the commercial registry of Palma de Mallorca. Número de inscripción 1, tomo 2741, folio 1, sección, hoja 83031..

Enigma Hotelera de Gestión SL activity is offering hotel services. For further information, you may contact us in Phone +34 971 89 01 19 or

This hiring conditions regulate the terms for the hiring of the offered products by the company through their website and the related economic remuneration and/or payment done by the client.

The company offers to the addressee, before the procedure starts and through techniques that are adequate to the used communication medium, easily, freely, and permanently, clear, comprehensive, and unequivocal information about the following.

A) The different procedures that need to be followed to accept these General Hiring Conditions.

B) Electronic files of these general hiring conditions, thus being accessible at any time.

C) The company uses technical media that the client is able to use in order to correct and identify errors.

D) The language in which this conditions will appear is English.

E) Before starting the procedure, the company offers the client the general hiring conditions so they can be stored and reproduced by the client.

F) The online hiring of the offered products by the company through this web will be subject to what appears in the legal notice of the webpage.

G) These general hiring conditions have been elaborated in agreement with what is established in law 34/2002, of information society services and electronic commerce. The law 7/1998 of general hiring conditions, Royal decree 1906/1999 for which phone or electronic hiring is regulated with general conditions in development of article 5.3 of law 7/1998; the Legislative Royal Decree 1/2007, of November 16, for which the combined text of the General Law of the defense of consumers and users is approved and other complementary laws; el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007 de 16 de Noviembre y Ley 18/2012 de 19 de Julio, de Turismo de las Illes Baleares .

H) For the acquisition and/or reservation of any of the services of hotel rooms of the company through the webpage these conditions must be accepted without reservations, and including all of these conditions, along with the Particular Conditions that are applied to each reserved and/or hired product.

I) The Company informs that the procedures to hire the offered services of room reservations are those that are described in these conditions, as well as those that are specified in the webpage through the customer’s navigation, so the client declares to know and accept such procedures as needed to reserve and/or hire the offered services of room reservations.

J) All the information offered throughout the hiring process will be stored by the company. Any modification or correction of the client’s acquired data must be done as stated in the Webpage.

K) By sending these data, clients give their consent to have their data treated by the company in order to the client’s acquisition and/or hiring of the services of room reservation that the company sells.

L) The client hires and/or reserves the company services of room reservations, and the company accepts the assignment of selling the selected services of room reservations in the web, as stated in these general conditions.

M) The seller keeps the right to modify unilaterally these conditions, without that affecting the services of room reservations or promos that were hired before such modification.


The seller of the hired services by the user is Enigma Hotelera de Gestión SL, a hotel company that provides services of room reservation. is registered under the name of Enigma Hotelera de Gestión SL. The commercial brand is correctly registered under the name of the Company.

  1. These conditions have as their main aim to state the conditions that apply when selling and hiring products in These conditions will regulate the contractual relationship of buying/selling and/or the generated hiring between the Seller and the Hirer at the moment in which the latter accepts the corresponding tick-box at the buying/hiring online process. The characteristics of the hired/bought products are shown in the web.The characteristics of the hired services will appear in the webpage, as well as the particularities of each transaction that can be done in this webpage, always in English.
  2. Hiring any products through the webpage implies the complete acceptance and subjection to these General conditions.
  3. The company through the webpage provides services for room reservation/purchase. This transaction will be ruled by the Hiring Conditions specified here and the Particular conditions that are applied to the acquisition and/or hiring of each product.
  4. The applicable prices to the hired/reserved products are those indicated in the website at the time of the hiring and/or acquisition, and:

    Offers are correctly shown and identified indicating the Price before the offer and during the offer.

  5. All media and technical requirements that are required to access the webpage and the offered services of room reservations will be full responsibility of the user.
  6. Once accessing the web, to continue to reserve and hire any services of room reservation, Users Will follow any indication and instruction that appears in the webpage, filling for this the acknowledgement of having read and accepting the General Conditions, as well as any particular condition that applies.

Hiring the services of room reservations will be done through the specific selection of the product/s through the selection elements that the webpage has installed. Once selected and verified the application for reservation/hiring, the conditions will be completely accepted by you, without reserves, as stated in the company’s website, before acquiring such products.

Once accepted, the user acquires the condition of Client of the company/entity.

Any product or service offered by the company afterwards will be subject to a new hiring/acquiring procedure.

Clients are advised to read with caution these conditions and print them on paper or save them electronically.

Data Protection


Most recent amendment: February 2019

This privacy policy applies to the website (hereinafter referred to as the Website).
Please read it carefully. It contains important information on the processing of your personal data and the rights you have pursuant to the regulations in force in relation to the issue. We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time as a result of corporate decisions, in addition to ensuring compliance with any legislative or jurisprudential changes. If you have any doubts or need any clarifications with regard to our privacy policy or your rights, please contact us through the channels provided below. You declare that the data you provide us with both now and in the future is accurate and truthful and you undertake to notify us of any change in the same. In the event you provide us with any third-party data, you undertake to obtain the prior consent of the parties involved and to notify them of the content of this policy. As a general rule, the fields in our forms marked as mandatory must be completed in order to process your requests.

1. Who is in charge of processing your data?
Unless specified otherwise, the controller of the data gathered on this Website is Enigma Hotelera de Gestión S.L. (hereinafter referred to as HOTEL CONDESA), Gremi de Pagesos nº 4, 1ª planta, Polígono Son Castelló, 07009 Palma (Balearic Islands),

2. What personal information do we collect?
The data we process is that obtained from:  The forms you complete and the requests submitted on the Website. We also process the data included in the requests and queries we receive via e-mail. The categories of data we process consist typically of:  Identification, contact, identity card (DNI) and passport data;  Data of a personal nature, such as language, gender, date of birth and nationality;  Financial and transaction data;  Data generated by activity on social networks you have decided to share with us (likes and comments, for example).

3. For what purpose do we process your data?
Our users´ data is processed to facilitate the management of our relations with them, to answer their requests and queries, to manage bookings and to provide the services requested, the administration and management of the security of the Website and compliance with our legal obligations. This data is also processed for the purpose of conducting analyses and to improve the quality of our services. Moreover, we process your data to enable us to send you marketing material.

4. To whom may we disclose your data?
Your data will only be disclosed to third parties in the event of a legal obligation, with your consent or when your request involves such disclosure.

5. The legal basis for processing your data
The basis for the processing of your data is the management of the legal relationship established with you, the management of bookings and the provision of the services requested and compliance with legal obligations, particularly those related to taxation and tourism. The following processing procedures are based on the existence of a legitimate interest:  The management of the security of the Website is based on the existence of a legitimate interest in guaranteeing the security of our systems.  The use of statistical methods and quality control is based on our legitimate interest in assessing our services.  The delivery of marketing material is based on our legitimate interest in promoting our products and services, in addition to your consent to receiving such material via electronic means.

6. How long is your data kept on file for?
As a general rule we keep your data on file for as long as our relationship is in force and for the periods of the time pursuant to the applicable legal provisions, related to accounting, taxation and tourism, for example, and for time required to deal with any liabilities arising from the processing of your data. We will delete your data when it is no longer necessary or pertinent to the purposes for which it was gathered. Access logs to restricted areas of the website will be cancelled in the month in which they are created. Information in relation to browsing will be deleted once the website connection has ended and the statistics have been analysed. Data processed for business purposes will be kept on file until you request it be deleted.

7. What are your rights?
You have the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not we are processing your personal data and, in this case, to access it. You may also ask for your data to be amended when it is inaccurate or to complete incomplete data, in addition to asking for it to be deleted when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, you may ask for the processing of your data to be limited. In this case, we will only process the data involved in the formulation, exercise or defence of complaints or with a view to the protection of the rights of other persons. In certain circumstances and due to reasons in relation to your specific situation, you may also oppose the processing of your data. In this case, we will stop processing your data except in the event of imperious legitimate reasons prevailing over your interests or rights and liberties, or for the formulation, exercise or defence of complaints. Furthermore, and pursuant to certain conditions, you may request the portability of your data to enable you to transfer it to another data controller. You may revoke the consent you provided for certain purpose without this affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent provided prior to your withdrawal. You may send an e-mail to the following electronic mail address to cancel the processing of your data for commercial purposes: XXXX@XXX.XX You also have the right to lodge a complaint with any Data Protection Authority. In order to exercise your rights you should send us a copy of your national identity document or another valid document identifying you by post or electronic mail, to our Data Protection Officer at the addresses specified in the Who is in charge of processing your data? section. You will find further information on your rights and how to exercise them on the Spanish Data Protection Agency website at



Most recent amendment: February 2019

This privacy policy applies to the online sales platform for agencies of (hereinafter referred to as the Website). Please read this policy carefully. It contains important information on the processing of your personal data and the rights you have pursuant to the regulations in force in relation to the issue and your obligations. We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time as a result of corporate decisions, in addition to ensuring compliance with any legislative or jurisprudential changes. If you have any doubts or need any clarifications with regard to our privacy policy or your rights, please contact us through the channels provided below. You declare that the data you provide us with both now and in the future is accurate and truthful and you undertake to notify us of any change in the same. In the event you provide us with any third-party data, you undertake to obtain the prior consent of the parties involved and to notify them of the content of this policy. As a general rule, the fields in our forms marked as mandatory must be completed in order to process your requests.

1. Who is in charge of processing your data?
Unless specified otherwise, the controller of the data gathered on this Website is Enigma Hotelera de Gestión S.L. (hereinafter referred to as HOTEL CONDESA), Gremi de Pagesos nº 4, 1ª planta, Polígono Son Castelló, 07009 Palma (Balearic Islands),

2. What personal information do we collect?
The data we process is that obtained from:  Requests for the creation of user accounts;  The forms you complete and the requests submitted on the Website.  The information generated by the contractual relationship. The categories of data we process consist typically of:  Identification and professional contact data;  Data of a personal nature, such as language;  Data on goods and services transactions. The data has been provided either by the users themselves or the main user of the agency at the time of creating the corresponding accounts.

3. For what purpose do we process your data?

Website users´ data is processed by HOTEL CONDESA to facilitate the management of our relations with them, to answer their requests and queries, to manage bookings, the administration and management of the security of the Website and compliance with their legal obligations, statistical purposes and the assessment of quality. Professional contact data of users of the Website is processed to enable us to send them news and professional information on the products and services of HOTEL CONDESA.

4. To whom may we disclose your data?
Users´ data will only be disclosed to third parties in the event of a legal obligation, with their consent or when necessary for the management and control of the contractual relationship, to the agency for example.

5. The legal basis for processing your data
The basis for the processing of your data is the management of the legal relationship established with you, the provision of the services requested or purchased and compliance with legal obligations, particularly those related to accounting, taxation and tourism. The management of the security of the Website is based on the existence of a legitimate interest. The use of statistical methods and quality control is based on our legitimate interest in relation to internal administrative purposes and to assess our services. The delivery of news and professional information on the products and services of HOTEL CONDESA is based on our interest in keeping travel agencies up to date with regard to such products and services.

6. How long is your data kept on file for?
As a general rule we keep your data on file for as long as our relationship is in force and for the periods of the time pursuant to the applicable legal provisions, related to accounting, taxation and tourism, for example, and for time required to deal with any liabilities arising from the processing of your data. We will delete your data when it is no longer necessary or pertinent to the purposes for which it was gathered. Information in relation to browsing will be deleted once the website connection has ended.

7. What are your rights?
You have the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not we are processing your personal data and, in this case, to access it. You may also ask for your data to be amended when it is inaccurate or to complete incomplete data, in addition to asking for it to be deleted when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, you may ask for the processing of your data to be limited. In this case, we will only process the data involved in the formulation, exercise or defence of complaints or with a view to the protection of the rights of other persons. In certain circumstances and due to reasons in relation to your specific situation, you may also oppose the processing of your data. In this case, we will stop processing your data except in the event of imperious legitimate reasons prevailing over your interests or rights and liberties, or for the formulation, exercise or defence of complaints. Furthermore, and pursuant to certain conditions, you may request the portability of your data to enable you to transfer it to another data controller. You may revoke the consent you provided for certain purposes without this affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent provided prior to your withdrawal, and submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency. You may remove your name from the list of disclosure of news and professional information on the products and services of HOTEL CONDESA by writing to the following electronic mail address: XXXX@XXX.XX In order to exercise your rights you should send the data controller in question a request together with a copy of your national identity document or another valid document identifying you by post or electronic mail, to our Data Protection Officer at the addresses specified in the Who is in charge of processing your data? section. You will find further information on your rights and how to exercise them on the Spanish Data Protection Agency website at

8. What are your obligations?
The use of the Website implies the unconditional acceptance by users of the Website´s conditions of use and privacy policy, in addition to their commitment to fully comply with the obligations established by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) REGULATION 2016/679) and/or the laws on protection of data of a personal nature applicable to the agency (hereinafter and jointly referred to as the Data Protection Regulation). With regard to the processing of data belonging to persons making queries and bookings, the users specifically undertake to comply with the duty of information defined by the Data Protection Regulation, with the obligation to request consent in order to process the data for advertising purposes, to guarantee the rights of the interested party and to strive for the total confidentiality of the data of a personal nature being processed. The personal information available through the Website may only be accessed or used for the management of bookings and the provision of the services purchased.





Incluir el siguiente texto cerca del botón de envío: Antes de registrarse, debe leer la siguiente información básica sobre protección de datos. Todos los campos marcados son obligatorios para atender su consulta. Al pulsar el botón de envío manifiesta haber leído esta información. A continuación, indícanos tus preferencias respecto al tratamiento de tus datos:  No quiero recibir ofertas y comunicaciones comerciales de HOTEL CONDESA Información básica sobre privacidad: El responsable del tratamiento es Enigma Hotelera de Gestión S.L. (HOTEL CONDESA). La finalidad es la gestión de la web y de la relación con sus usuarios, así como envío de comunicaciones comerciales. Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos como se explica en nuestra política de privacidad [ENLAZAR CON POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD WEB].

Incluir el siguiente texto cerca del botón de envío: Antes de registrarse, debe leer la siguiente información básica sobre protección de datos. Todos los campos marcados son obligatorios para atender su consulta. Al pulsar el botón de envío manifiesta haber leído esta información. Información básica sobre privacidad: El responsable del tratamiento es Enigma Hotelera de Gestión S.L. (HOTEL CONDESA). La finalidad es la gestión de la web y de la relación con sus usuarios y el envío de información profesional sobre servicios disponibles para su comercialización. Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos como se explica en nuestra política de privacidad [ENLAZAR CON POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD WEB].

Incluir el siguiente texto cerca del botón de envío: Antes de enviar este formulario, debe leer la siguiente información básica sobre protección de datos. Todos los campos marcados son obligatorios para atender su consulta. Al pulsar el botón de envío manifiesta haber leído esta información. A continuación, indícanos tus preferencias respecto al tratamiento de tus datos:  Quiero recibir ofertas y comunicaciones comerciales de HOTEL CONDESA Información básica sobre privacidad: El responsable del tratamiento es Enigma Hotelera de Gestión S.L. (HOTEL CONDESA). La finalidad es la atención a su solicitud y la mejora de la calidad, así como el envío de comunicaciones comerciales. Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos como se explica en nuestra política de privacidad [ENLAZAR CON POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD WEB].

Incluir el siguiente texto cerca del botón de envío  Al realizar la reserva acepto las Condiciones de la reserva [ENLAZAR CON LAS CONDICIONES DE LA RESERVA]. Antes de enviar el formulario, debe leer la siguiente información básica sobre protección de datos. Todos los campos marcados son obligatorios para atender su solicitud. Al pulsar el botón de envío manifiesta haber leído esta información. A continuación, indícanos tus preferencias respecto al tratamiento de tus datos:  No quiero recibir ofertas y comunicaciones comerciales de HOTEL CONDESA. Información básica sobre privacidad: El responsable del tratamiento es Enigma Hotelera de Gestión S.L. (HOTEL CONDESA). La finalidad es la gestión de la reserva, cumplimiento de obligaciones legales, así como, el envío de comunicaciones comerciales. Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos como se explica como se explica en nuestra política de privacidad [ENLAZAR CON POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD WEB].